Diff between sets of elasticsearch documents

I’m reaching out to see whether anyone has been solving similar problem as us and could advise on the most efficient approach.

We are developing a dashboard solution using elasticsearch & kibana. We parse results of various static analysis tools (using our custom-built parser), store them in elasticsearch (each issue found in static analysis as a separate document; issues coming from one static analysis run have a same correlationId which links them). Then we have kibana visualizations built over them.

We would like to show list of introduced and fixed issues between static analysis scan A and static analysis scan B.

Does elasticsearch have feature that could be used for that, or do we need to just query the data and do the diff ourselves in a custom component?

Thank you in advance for thoughts and ideas,

Hey Eva,

I am just starting to look into solving a similar problem and would be interested to hear how you got on with this.

Cheers & kind regards
