Drill Down Restrictions

Is there anywhere where the drill down restrictions are documented? Is there any way around them?

So far I've found:

  • They aren't available with DataTables
  • They aren't available for Lens generated visualization

A means of selecting which filters to copy would be nice as well, especially when transitioning between dashboards based on different indexes.

A way of selecting which filters get created would be nice as well. If I have a chart showing global sales by country broken down by state, I'd like a drill down option to the country level, but I'm always getting filters for country and state created. Even though they've clicked on a state in a country bar, I want an option to just select the country..

Hello @mykael

Drilldowns are a new feature and we're expanding its capabilities. You can track our progress here - https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+drilldown+label%3AFeature%3ADrilldowns

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