Dropdown to select the agregation of a chart

Good afternoon,

Is there any option to insert one dropdown in a dashboard? For example, one dropdown with this two options:sumfield1,sumfield2. This dropdown point to one line chart and this chart change de data depending the selected option in the dropdown

The Input Control visualization might be just what you're looking for: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/add-input-controls.html

I think that the input control is only one filter of data. But i want the next, when i select the option sumfield1 in the chart i want to plot in y axis the sum of the field1. If i select sumfield2 i want to plot the sum of the field2. this input control only filter the data no?

i want to select the sum to plot. now in the dashboard i have 3 charts. i want to have only one but changing the selector plot any one of the thre charts

You're right, the input control is just a filter. Kibana doesn't have a mechanism to do what you're looking for.

The closest think I can think of is to create a Markdown visualization which contains a link to another entire dashboard, and that dashboard could have a specific visualization for the plot you're interested in.

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