I would like to ask about creating dynamic dashboards in Kibana. I've found similar questions but they were much more general, for example this one:
I would like to be more concrete. So, I'm processing a custom file which contains filenames with creation time, last access time and last write time, for example (there are more columns in .csv but i'm not interested in them):
C:\Program Files\Common Files;07/14/2009 05:20:08;07/14/2009 05:20:08;07/14/2009 05:20:08;
I would like to create a histogram which will contain timeline on x-axis - for each access time present in the log. Then, when i click on the column in dashboard, I would like to see which files were accessed at this time (redirect to another dashboard, text output, anything, ...).
So I've processed the log using filebeat, logstash, ES and displayed the dashboard in Kibana. This is the way how I'm creating the input in logstash for elastic search, so I can display it:
filter { csv { columns => ["file","accessTime","creationTime","writeTime"] separator => ";" remove_field => ["message"] } date { match => [ "accessTime", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" ] target => "accessTime" } date { match => [ "creationTime", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" ] target => "creationTime" } date { match => [ "writeTime", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" ] target => "writeTime" }}
This is what i can get in Kibana:
Is there any option, how can I found out which files are counted for example in most right column?
Consider that I am very new in ELK stack.
Thanks for suggestions.