Elastalert plugin throwing 502 - Bad Gateway read ECONNRESET

I'm not sure what might be the issue!
After configuring elastalert plugin in kibana.. It is showing create rule tab however after few minutes it is showing read ECONNRESET!

Is this issue with kibana configuration or something to do with the port?

Below are the logs found from kibana..

["error","readonlyrest_kbn"],","level":"error","error":{"message":"Client request error: read ECONNRESET","name":"Error","stack":"Error: read ECONNRESET\n at _errnoException (util.js:992:11)\n at TCP.onread (net.js:618:25)","code":"ECONNRESET"},"message":"Client request error: read ECONNRESET"}

Hi, ElastAlert Kibana Plugin dev here. ECONNRESET indicates the ElastAlert server stopped the connection. This issue is probably not related to Kibana but has to do with our ElastAlert server fork. If this issue appears again please create an issue on GitHub and add the logs of both Kibana and the ElastAlert server.

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