Elastic Agent/Fleet Server Error: "Access is denied" on Named Pipe

Hi, I set up Elasticsearch and Kibana via Docker. I am reaching out regarding an issue I encountered with the Elastic Agent on my setup. The agent fails to start the HTTP server for the API, resulting in an error that reads:

Error - could not start the HTTP server for the API: failed to listen on the named pipe \\.\pipe\default-fleet-server: open \\.\pipe\default-fleet-server: Access is denied.

Details of the Issue:

  • Elastic Agent Status: DEGRADED (with Fleet in STARTING state)
  • Specific Component: fleet-server-default shows a FAILED status with the repeated "Access is denied" message on the named pipe.
  • Environment: The Elastic Agent has been granted admin permissions.
  • Network Conditions: No firewall or network restrictions interfere with the agent.

Every command has been run as administrator in cmd.

I have attempted the following troubleshooting steps without success:

  1. Changed the Elastic Agent to run with administrative privileges.
  2. Confirmed that no firewall or network restrictions are interfering.

Could you please advise on further actions to resolve this error? Any guidance on additional configurations or permissions that might be required would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Esse erro “Access is denied” no Fleet Server do Elastic Agent geralmente indica problemas de permissão para acessar o pipe nomeado. Aqui estão algumas sugestões rápidas para tentar resolver:

  1. Executar com privilégios elevados: Confirme que tanto o Docker quanto o Elastic Agent estão sendo executados explicitamente como administrador.
  2. Ajustar permissões do pipe: No Windows, as permissões para o pipe \\.\pipe\default-fleet-server podem estar restritas. Experimente conceder acesso com o comando:


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icacls \\.\pipe\default-fleet-server /grant "Everyone":(F)
  1. Verificar a configuração do Fleet Server e volumes Docker: Verifique se as configurações do Fleet Server e mapeamentos de volume no Docker estão corretos e acessíveis.
  2. Reconfigurar o Fleet Server pelo Kibana: Tente remover e configurar novamente o Fleet Server na página do Fleet do Kibana para corrigir possíveis problemas de configuração.
  3. Atualizar Docker e componentes Elastic: Confirme que todas as versões são compatíveis.

Essas etapas devem ajudar a resolver o erro

Thanks a lot for the responds, but the command of yours didn't work because apparently, this pipe is not in my system at all and I have no idea how to locate it. Whenever I tried to change the elastic agent to run as administrator or another user, it just won't start and error starts popping up. The docker also doesn't have volume, it's just one node, at least it's what showed in the docker desktop UI. I just downloaded docker and pulled down this image 1 or 2 days ago, so I don't think there's a version issue. After I uninstalled the elastic agent and installed it back, unenrolling a server, policy and enrolling it back a countless times, I still don't know what's wrong . My fleet server will go offline after couple minutes. In those couple minutes, I can't get the agent to listen to the fleet server, it keeps saying taking too long to respond, no matter which ip address or port I used. Already taken me days to try to resolve this issue, and I have decided to move on without integrations. Still, thank you very much for your kind reply. Hope you have a great day. :grin: