Install Fleet server 8.2.2 fails: Error - could not start the HTTP server for the API: failed to listen on the named pipe

Hi, I set up Elasticsearch and Kibana via Docker Compose using elasticsearch/docker-compose.yml at 8.2 · elastic/elasticsearch (

I created the agent policy to host Fleet Server.
I choose "Quick start" as deployment mode for security,
and added "https://localhost:8220" as Fleet Server host.
Finally, I tried to install the fleet server on the Windows 10 host. But I'm getting the following error, and the troubleshooting guide hasn't helped me.

PS C:\Users\tiede\elastic-agent-8.2.2-windows-x86_64> .\elastic-agent.exe enroll  `
>>   --fleet-server-es=https://localhost:9200 `
>>   --fleet-server-service-token=XXXXX`
>>   --fleet-server-policy=fleet-server-policy `
>>   --fleet-server-insecure-http

With the command above, I'm getting this:

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2022-06-23T11:01:09.340+0200","log.origin":{"":"status/reporter.go","file.line":236},"message":"Elastic Agent status changed to: 'error'","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2022-06-23T11:01:09.340+0200","log.origin":{"":"log/reporter.go","file.line":36},"message":"2022-06-23T11:01:09+02:00 - message: Application: fleet-server--8.2.2[]: State changed to FAILED: Error - could not start the HTTP server for the API: failed to listen on the named pipe \\\\.\\pipe\\default-fleet-server: open \\\\.\\pipe\\default-fleet-server: Access is denied. - type: 'ERROR' - sub_type: 'FAILED'","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}
Error: fleet-server failed: context canceled

What I'm I missing, to get the Fleet server up and running?

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hi @tidenhub , I see in the errors Access is denied , are you running the enroll cmd as adminstrator?

Yes, the enroll and run was executed as administrator.

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