Hi everyone
We are looking for participants to help us with a study on the sustainability of free and open source software, ‘Mapping the co-production of digital infrastructure by peer projects and firms’, which is funded by a Sloan and Ford Foundations grant.
We are trying to learn about how commercial firm engagement with F/OSS, for example in the form of paying developers to develop F/OSS, impacts volunteer projects such as Elastic/Elasticsearch.
Our quantitative survey of GitHub shows that Elastic/Elasticsearch is one of the top recipients of commits by people with a professional email address (eg @microsoft.com), which is why we are reaching out to members of the Elastic/Elasticsearch community.
Participation in the survey requires about five minutes of your time (there are only seven questions). If you are involved in Elastic/Elasticsearch as a developer, maintainer or contributor, please follow the link below to answer our questions:
The research team: Mathieu O’Neil, University of Canberra; Xiaolan Cai, University of Canberra; Laure Muselli, Telecom Paris; Mahin Raissi, University of Canberra; Stefano Zacchiroli, Universite Paris Diderot / INRIA & former Debian Project Leader
Duration: The survey will run for 2 weeks, from November 25 to December 9 2019.
More information? Please visit our project webpage: https://www.canberra.edu.au/research/faculty-research-centres/nmrc/research/mapping-the-co-production-of-digital-infrastructure-by-peer-projects-and-firms
Any questions? Email: mathieu[dot]oneil[at]canberra[dot]edu[dot]au
This research has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Canberra (Project no. 1865).