Error: Your CLT does not support macOS 11

After upgrading to macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69), I can’t upgrade Elasticsearch to 7.10.1.

For background, I previously installed Elasticsearch using these instructions. I have since upgraded the Elasticsearch version many times.


Running brew outdated tells me that elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full is outdated:

➜  ~ brew update && brew outdated
Already up-to-date.
elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full (7.9.3) < 7.10.1

Running brew upgrade gives the following error:

➜  ~ brew upgrade
==> Upgrading 1 outdated package:
elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full 7.9.3 -> 7.10.1
==> Upgrading elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full 7.9.3 -> 7.10.1
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/yngve/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/745444a8145b8455c2b99a8ca654348d6c44ff95e873b0833f058372fc152024--elasticsearch-7.10.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
Error: Your CLT does not support macOS 11.
It is either outdated or was modified.
Please update your CLT or delete it if no updates are available.
Update them from Software Update in System Preferences or run:
  softwareupdate --all --install --force

If that doesn't show you an update run:
  sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  sudo xcode-select --install

Alternatively, manually download them from:

Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
  SystemExit: exit

In the Software Update GUI, everything looks fine:

I am not comfortable running the commands suggested.

This seems to be a Homebrew problem, and it is not related to elasticsearch.

The solution, according to this github issue is to run the commands suggested.

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