Field missing SBC - EgRFactor visualization on Elastic search v 7.7.0

Our company moved from version v 5.5.2 to Elastic search v 7.7.0
I am manually creating visualizations on Elastic search v 7.7.0 however the aggregation field SBC - EgRFactor is missing.
Can somebody please advise what im doing wrong?

You need to share what your mapping is.

Our company moved from version v 5.5.2 to Elastic search v 7.7.0

Nice but definitely move to 7.17 instead. 7.7 is too old.
And better, while you are at it, move directly to 8.13.3!

We're limited to version 7.7.0 due to compaitibility issues.
Im not entirely sure what you mean by mapping.
Im creating a line visualizations from the source dialogic-sbc-*

Normally, to create the line I'd do:

  1. Visualize - Create Visualization - Select Line - Choose source dialogic-sbc-*
  2. In Visualize - Add Metrics Y-Axis- Select Average under Aggregation - Select pre-made options under Field, however the option SBC - EgRFactor seems to be missing.

Compatibility issue with what?

Im not entirely sure what you mean by mapping.

What is the output of:

GET dialogic-sbc-*/_mapping

The result is 67000 lines

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If you don't want to share the full mapping, please share at least the full part with SBC - EgRFactor field.

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