Geo shapes

Good morning, I'm trying to visualize geoshapes using beta 7.0. I am following the information of the link:
A geoshape is composed of a type and coordinates, following the example of the link for points, after copying exactly the example code and then changing the type of the location field to geo_shape in the mapping as it comes in the link, I get an error. I attach the code that I have put:

PUT / examplee
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "geo_shape"

POST / exampleee / _doc
"location": {
"type": "point",
"coordinates": [-77.03653, 38.897676]

Once I do that and I create the index pattern in kibana, to the right in aggregations nothing appears to me. What I pretend is in the section visualizations, region map, select the location of the figure and be able to visualize it.

A thousand thanks in advance!

geo_shape field does not support any kind of aggregations yet.

If you want to visualise geo data, you can only do it for points and the points should be indexed using a field of type geo_point.

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