Kibana Tile Map not showing geo points

I have set my mapping to accept geo data in geo_shape field, geo_shape field is able to draw shapes on kibana map.
But when i try to store geo_point shape in geo_shape field then kibana map is not able to draw poiint shape in map.

shape is field name of geo_shape data type, it can hold any shape i.e. polygon, linestring, point etc.
Kibana map is able to draw polygons, linestrings, but not able to draw points, do i am missing some settings in kibana to draw points in kibana map.
Again i am clearing from my side, my field's data type is geo_shape and it is stroing information about geo_point and i would like to draw them in kibana map.

I know there is another data type in elasticsearch i.e. geo_point, if i use that then i am able to draw points in kibana map. but in my case my field can have any shape i.e. polygon, linestring, point etc. and i would like to draw them in kibana map.

Hi @galvin1234, just to be sure. Are you storing geo_point data or geo_shape points in your documents?

Can you share a simple query with your data? Something like this:

GET your_index/_search
  "_source": "your_geo_shape_field",
  "size": 3, 
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}

Just as a quick check, I imported a geojson point dataset as geo_shape using the GeoJSON upload tool and everything worked fine.

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