Heartbeat uptime service sample dashboard

Hi friends I really need your help. I have few service for few instances. I need visualize 1 instance how many service is up and how many was down. U can use table. But I wish to have like graph but I really no idea how it can be done. Ur help I will never forget

Have you just navigated to the Uptime App under Observability?

It is list all the services you are monitoring, whether they are up or down and you can also create alerts.

If you click into a particular monitor you will get a time series graph.

If you want to build your own chart

Create a hearbeat-* index pattern see here

Create a dashboard see here

Then go to lens and create this chart see here

Can I know monitor duration us what is it. It monitor in milliseconds. What it actually monitors?

It's the response time in MicroSeconds of the endpoints / monitors that you set up in the Heartbeat Configs.... Basically the response time.

This is a monitor that monitors google.com as an example.

- type: http # monitor type `http`. Connect via HTTP an optionally verify response
  # ID used to uniquely identify this monitor in elasticsearch even if the config changes
  id: google

  # Human readable display name for this service in Uptime UI and elsewhere
  name: Google

  # Name of corresponding APM service, if Elastic APM is in use for the monitored service.
  #service.name: my-apm-service-name

  # Enable/Disable monitor
  #enabled: true

  # Configure task schedule
  schedule: '@every 5s' # every 5 seconds from start of beat

  # Configure URLs to ping
  hosts: ["https://www.google.com"]

  # Configure IP protocol types to ping on if hostnames are configured.
  # Ping all resolvable IPs if `mode` is `all`, or only one IP if `mode` is `any`.
  ipv4: true
  ipv6: true
  mode: any

Really You should just use the Uptime app if you are new to the Elastic Stack.

I tried using uptime but hitting internal error. I use logstash to create custom index which might cause issue . Thanks for your response. Can I know is it better to use microseconds or we need convert?

Most likely if you're using logstash your logstash conf is not correct.

Also if you did not run heartbeat setup then your mappings are not correct so that's why it's not working.

I highly recommend just use the quick start and don't use logstash and if you get that working come back and I'll show you how to use it with logstash.

If the main reason you switched to logstash was due to the internal error you saw I highly recommend avoiding Logstash. @stephenb is correct, you need to configure heartbeat with a direct connection to Elasticsearch and run the ./heartbeat setup command to set the mappings correctly.

However, I'd first delete your current heartbeat indices, then, please follow the instructions on the quick start he linked to exactly.

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