Help regarding installation of Xpack

here is it let me check status.

@Court I still see the same

ID Status
ui settings Ready
plugin:kibana@5.1.1 Ready
plugin:elasticsearch@5.1.1 Kibana index ready
plugin:console@5.1.1 Ready
plugin:timelion@5.1.1 Ready

Please let me know if i need to do anything additional

Do you have multiple Kibana installs running? Is it possible that the one bound to 5601 on that IP address is not the same one as the one in which you're installing X-Pack?

@court i have only single instance for Kibana.


@Court i just ran ps -ef | grep kibana
i only see 1 process.


Hi @adityajain19,

Can you show a screenshot of you starting up Kibana (on the server) and the complete output that the startup generates?



@shaunak PFA the screen shot.

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:12Z","tags":["plugins","warning"],"pid":9535,"path":"/usr/share/kibana/plugins/x-pack","message":"Skipping non-plugin directory at /usr/share/kibana/plugins/x-pack"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["warning","config"],"pid":9535,"key":"xpack","val":{"security":{"enabled":true,"sessionTimeout":60000}},"message":"Settings for "xpack" were not applied, check for spelling errors and ensure the plugin is loaded."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","plugin:kibana@5.1.1","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","plugin:elasticsearch@5.1.1","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"yellow","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","plugin:console@5.1.1","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","plugin:elasticsearch@5.1.1","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from yellow to green - Kibana index ready","prevState":"yellow","prevMsg":"Waiting for Elasticsearch"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","plugin:timelion@5.1.1","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["listening","info"],"pid":9535,"message":"Server running at"}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2017-02-28T01:40:13Z","tags":["status","ui settings","info"],"pid":9535,"state":"green","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}

Hmm... it looks like the Kibana x-pack plugin folder at /usr/share/kibana/plugins/x-pack is being skipped at Kibana server start up.

A few follow up questions:

  • What are the top-level contents of this folder? ls -al /usr/share/kibana/plugins/x-pack
  • Who is the user running Kibana? ps -u | grep kibana



ls -al /usr/share/kibana/plugins/x-pack

total 80
drwx------ 6 root root 156 Feb 27 20:58 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 kibana kibana 19 Feb 27 20:13 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 440 Feb 27 20:12 index.js
-rw------- 1 root root 49465 Feb 27 20:12 LICENSE.txt
drwx------ 141 root root 4096 Feb 27 20:12 node_modules
-rw------- 1 root root 6 Feb 27 20:12 .node-version
-rw------- 1 root root 150 Feb 27 20:12 NOTICE.txt
-rw------- 1 root root 1385 Feb 27 20:12 package.json
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 27 20:12 .phantom
drwx------ 8 root root 98 Feb 27 20:12 plugins
drwx------ 3 root root 16 Feb 27 20:12 server

[ec2-user@adtest ~]$ ps -u | grep kibana
ec2-user 9779 0.0 0.0 112648 964 pts/0 S+ 21:04 0:00 grep --color=auto kibana

Hi, this looks like an issue with incorrect ownerships on the Kibana x-pack plugin folder. You'll want to remove your Kibana x-pack plugin install first:

sudo bin/kibana-plugin remove x-pack    # run this from your kibana folder

Then you'll want to re-install the Kibana x-pack plugin as the kibana user and setup correct ownerships. For that, follow the instructions here:

Finally, you'll want to run Kibana as the kibana user. Currently (looking at the output of ps -u | grep kibana it is running as the ec2-user.

Hope that helps,


thanks @shaunak With change in ownership i was successfully able to see Xpack things.

Can we get a quote for Xpack from somewhere ?

If you provide your contact details at one of the team will be able to put together a quote for you.


Can we get a quote for Xpack from somewhere ?

Please visit our subscriptions page for more details. As @TimV suggested, you can fill out the form with the relevant information and someone will reach out to you.

we use EFK but FluentD has nothing to do with Xpack i suppose

Have you checked out Logstash? Logstash is a server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite “stash.” (Ours is Elasticsearch, naturally.) We recently released a Logstash monitoring UI in 5.2 to help you understand the data ingestion process better. I see that you're using 5.1.1, but definitely check out 5.2 as well since we added many new useful features all across our Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats).

Hope your POC goes well!


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