X-pack after install not working!

install xpack and enter address kibana in browser
this error msg:

{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"[index_not_found_exception] no such index, with { resource.type=\"index_expression\" & resource.id=\"_xpack\" & index_uuid=\"_na_\" & index=\"_xpack\" }"} }

Is the X-Pack plugin installed on both the Elasticsearch node/s and Kibana?

im install x-pack only kibana / to defualt directory

not install elasticsearch x-pack!

is needed ?

Always needed, my friend.

install successfully
but needed suername and password after open kibana!
is changed user/pass ?!
what is username and password ??


Please read and follow as per here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/x-pack/current/installing-xpack.html

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