Hello Folks,
Can Sombody help me , how can i get the result(responses ) of my Search Query wich i wrote on "Kibana Dev Tools Console" into Desktop (Something like extract the Query Result), Example,
GET test-2019.03.18/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"word": "Hello"
with this example it shows me 9 hits, where that word "Hello" exsist.
Now i need to get this Result on my Desktop as good as possible.(Something like to get it in a text Format or Whatever).
Is that Possible?
Is it Possible to get Just the hits Result (Just the Field wich Contains the World "Hello" nothing else , nothing like @timestamp or "Path" or "_Version" , just the Field "word" with its Hits).
yes i did look at discover , and i can see all my fields etc.
in discover i can not write a Search Query like in Dev Tools.
in this picture , i hit all fields "word" wich contain the word "links".
i need now to export(extract) this Search Result(5 hits) into my Computer Desktop as Text Format or whatever. I want to see the Result out of Kibana Tool, i want the Result to be extract on my Computer.
Is that possible???
in discover i could not write Search Query , if i could , so i can save the Result , and look at it in management and than Saved objects
i see a Setting Icon beside the Search field in discover in your Picture,
See my Kibana , i use Version 6.3.0 , but i do not have that Icon on my discover.
oky i got it , i will Install Version 6.5.0. So i can Write my Search Query in discover comfortable.
It is not possible to add something like "Fuzzy" or "regex" or more Complex Query using that "Add a filter" Button.
The "Add a filter" Button is kind primitive.
Can you please tell me , after you Save the Search Query , we can see it under management-> Saved objects->Searches ->Export the selected(saved) Search.
But it will Export it as JSON FORMAT on my Desktop computer.
Is it possible to choose the Format ?
Is it possible to export just the specific Field we want , with out exporting all other Field(@timestamp, _version, path ect..) or is that Standard by Exporting Search Results??
thx .
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