How to run Cloud Logstash Pipeline


I´m trying to run a cloud logstash pipeline that has the next code to start working with the mail filters but I have not been able to find code to try it inside the pipeline or how to run it outside of the pipeline

On the image the location or place where I´m putting the code.

Any ideas?

input {
imap {
 host => ""
 password => "XXXXX"
 user => ""
# check_interval => 10
# folder => "Inbox"

output {
 elasticsearch {
 index => "emails"
 document_type => "email"}

Hello @Holguinmora

You can create a Logstash pipeline using the Logstash Centralized Management, but you then need a Logstash instance running somewhere (your computer, a server or a cloud provider) which reads the configuration from your Elastic Cloud instance.

How to configure Logstash to use Central Management?

You can follow the steps detailed in our documentation.

Some comments:

  • The elasticsearch output must define the target hosts and credentials. See more here.
    elasticsearch {
      cloud_id => ...
      cloud_auth => "user:pass"
      index => "emails"
      document_type => "email"
  • The Logstash instance must have the following settings: true ... "user:pass" 5s ["correo1", ...]

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