I want to visualize the overall heap details in kibana

My document looks like

        @timestamp	May 13, 2019 @ 23:50:01.997
   	t  @version	1
  	t  _id	wZQyimwBB5Sy5b-Oj-_G
  	t  _index	overalljvmheap
	#  _score	 - 
  	t  _type	_doc
   	t  host	xxxxxxxxxx
   	**t  jvmheap	1130.09**
   	t  logdate	2019-05-13 23:50:01,997
   	**t  message	2019-05-13 23:50:01,997 - DEBUG - Total JVM HEAP is: 1130.09 Mb**
   	t  path	/home/aaa/heap_usage.log

I want to plot the graph for overall jvm..
My y- axis should contain the number range to identify the heap value and X-axis should be the timestamp

Can you select something like "sum of jvmheap" for the y-axis and a date histogram over logdate for the x-axis?

Sorry Lukas, I was not able to select.. can you please explain clearly.. because i am new to the ELK..

1.I am not getting the filed values in y -axis to select the sum of jvm heap
2. When i select the date histogram, i was able to see only @timestamp as field.. Anyway @timestamp and logdate represents both are same

Thanks a lot Lukas!!!
I have got plot with expected results

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