Implementing Ingest Attachment Processor Plugin

So, my issue has been solved. Thanks to @shanec for the help and mentioning Kibana.

For the sake of brevity, my working solution is below. I'm sure this can be optimized, but for now it gets the job done.

DELETE /myindex
PUT /myindex
	"mappings": {
		"document": {
			"properties": {
				"thedata": {
					"type": "text"
				"title": {
					"type": "text"
				"location": {
					"type": "text"

DELETE _ingest/pipeline/attachment
PUT _ingest/pipeline/attachment
  "description": "Process documents",
  "processors": [
      "attachment": {
        "field": "thedata",
        "indexed_chars": -1
      "set": {
        "field": "attachment.title",
        "value": "{{ title }}"
      "set": {
        "field": "attachment.location",
        "value": "{{ location }}"
      "remove": { "field": "thedata" }
      "remove": { "field": "title" }
      "remove": { "field": "location" }

PUT /_bulk?pipeline=attachment
{"index": {"_index": "myindex", "_type" : "document", "_id" : "2" }}
{"thedata": "dGVzdGluZyBteSBmaXJzdCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=", "title": "testfile.docx", "location": "righthere"}

GET /myindex/document/2

GET /myindex/_search
	"query": {
	  "match": {
		  "attachment.content": "testing"
	"highlight": {
		"fields": {
			"attachment.content": {
				"fragment_size": 150,
				"number_of_fragments": 3,
				"no_match_size": 150