In Kibana data is coming at localtime+3 instead of UTC+3

My system
Ubuntu 18.04
Elastic version 7.12 run on docker
PowerShell sending data to Elastic from Windows hosts
System is set to UTC+3
Elastic is set to UTC+3

My problem
In Kibana data is coming at localtime+3 instead of UTC+3

In PowerShell I use this date format: (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss')
That is seen like that : 2021-06-26T10:22:46

Thanks You

And what is your localtime? What is the difference from it to UTC?

Elasticsearch only stores dates in UTC so when you send a date that has a timezone offset you need to pass the timezone information in the date or convert it to UTC before sending it to elasticsearch.

Kibana per default will show the date fields converted to the browser timezine of each user.

What is your localtime and what is the date and time you expect to see in Kibana?

Welcome to our community! :smiley:

Please don't create multiple topics on the same question, let's continue things here In Kibana data is coming at localtime+3 instead of UTC+3