Index pattern doesn't have a UUID


I exported all the objects (index patterns, visualizations, dashboards, etc.) to my new cluster. I need to change the index pattern to our visualizations. I noticed the old index pattern url doesn't have a UUID in its name doesn't have a * at the end . For example instead of myindex* the name of the index pattern is myindex without the *. Is there another way to get the UUID?

So when you imported the index patterns, were the * lost? the names of the index patterns were equal to index names? And there was no UUID involved at all? Which version of Kibana are you using?

The index pattern is in my old cluster and this one is running 6.23. The index-pattern name is "search-data" and it is not equal to the index name, "active-data". When I go to the object it doesnt have any UUID at URL. The index has an alias "search-data". Again no *. I am guessing who ever created the index before did the alias.

I exported the objects to our new clsuter that is running 7.17.

Could you share the saved object of the index pattern? Best to have pre and post import version.

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