Installer Claims Version is Already Installed

Hello, I'm trying to Install a piece of software that utilizes Elasticsearch, and includes the Elasticsearch install as part of the installation process.

Due to other errors, I had to uninstall the software (including elasticsearch) and restart the installation process. However, when starting the installation process the installer fails when it tries to install Elasticsearch. The error within the Elasticsearch.log states the following: "SAMEVERSIONALREADYINSTALLED: This version is already installed. Please uninstall first."

To this point I have:
-Used the command prompt to delete the elasticsearch service
-Uninstalled Elasticsearch from the "Add or remove programs" GUI
-Deleted the Elastic folder from the C:\ProgramFiles and C:\ProgramData
-Deleted Elastic search from the Registry Editor
-Removed Environment Variables associated with Elasticsearch

What other action can I take to avoid this error on install? Anything will help, thank you.

Elasticsearch version: 7.12.1
OS: Windows Server 2019

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