Kibana - Alert data viewer and Edit Rule are stuck and slow

I'm running a cluster in 2 different environments.
With the same versions for all of the nodes and the kibana (8.1.2).

But in one of the environments, the Alert data viewer or the Edit rule (any rule) are getting stuck and slow, i even getting an error message from the browser (Chrome) that the page is unresponsive.

It's happening even if I'm in the rule itself, and I'm switching between Exceptions and back to the Alerts tab, as soon as i clicking the Alerts, it's happening all over again.

I tried to look for any error in the kibana logs, and i didn't find anything.

I even tried to increase the heap memory size for the kibana, but it didn't helped ether.

I'm relatively new at this, so I'm really hoping for every help i can get.

Thank you very much.

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