Kibana Canvas Dropdown Filter v. 8.12.2

Hi there, I've got a question regarding the dropdown filter used in Kibana's canvas workpads, version 8.12.2. So I have a table with various fields being listed off. The query (field and index names have been changed here) is successful when there is no dropdown filter. But when I put a dropdown filter in, everything on the table disappears. I'm successfully able to list off all possible values for a desired field that's on the table to the dropdown filter, but no matter which one I pick, nothing shows up on the table. I've been following the discussions here Dropdown filter kibana canvas, Dropdown filter kibana canvas, Kibana Canvas drop-down filter not updating count metric correctly, including the suggestion to include selectFilter in my canvas expression, but those don't seem to be working. Here are some pictures of my expressions, the table on the left and the dropdown filter on the right (field names have been changed). Much thanks in advance!

NOTE: There was a problem with the data I was using, the dropdown filter is now working as intended :slight_smile: