Kibana Canvas: How can I use a filter to show data per project?

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding the use of filters in Canvas, because within my Canvas report I want to show programme data as well as filtered data per project.


I have created a Kibana Dashboard for a programme, so it includes various projects. Within the Dashboard, I can filter per project.

Based on the Dashboard/ the created data in the library, I am now creating a report in Canvas . In this report, I do not only want to include the data on programme level, but also 1 page per project with the filtered data based on the existing data in the library.


I tried to use the filter (“Dropdown select”), but it doesn´t work. I don´t get a dropdown with the data I want and I don´t know how to connect the data to my Dashboard.


Is there any detailed explanation of how I can make the filter work?

If I am able to create the filter, is the filter then filtering the data on the same page or in the whole report?

Is there any possibility to automize that Canvas, to automatically create 1 page per existing project?

So, I want to show programme, but also data per project within my Canvas report. I hope somebody could explain me how to do or maybe at least telling me if it´s possible at all.

Thanks a lot!


I'll try to provide you with some answers :slight_smile:

Dropdown select : can you provide more information ? Do you have e.g. an ESSQL query that returns a list of project_id ? Does the query that brings data about a project be filtered by a project_id ?

Automation : yes, if you have programming/scripting capabilities, it is possible to generate a JSON/NDJSON file representing a Canvas, to be imported in Elastic manually or through the API.

You could also try to have 1 landing page, and 1 project page : a parameter in the URL to the project page would then be injected in the query that retrieves the project details for the page. (See and
But to achieve this and build the links for the landing page, you would also have to know the Canvas id (different for each Canvas), or ensure that it is stable / known in advance (which means to be able to automate and build the saved object representation of the Canvas).

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