Kibana dashboard tab unresponsive

Hi all,

I have installed ELK on an existing Ubuntu 12.04 server, by following these DigitalOcean instructions, even though they are explicitly for 14.04. I tested them first on a 14.04 droplet and all works 100%

After repeating on my 12.04 server everything works 100% except the dashboard tab. When i click it the url changes, but nothing happens at all, the screen remains on whatever screen i was on before. If i hit Refresh with the dashboard link in the address bar, i get a blank page with only the main Kibana header.

This is a fresh Kibana 4.3 install. I see no errors in any logs (unless i am missing something).

Any ideas what might cause this and if its fixable?


I made an attempt at reproducing on a fresh VM and didn't have any luck. What browser (and version) are you using? Are there any errors in the browser console?

Hi Jon,

I also installed on a fresh box and had no issues, so it seems its specific to this server. All apt updates seem to be in place. I have reinstalled Kibana from scratch and have the same issue.

I have tried on these browsers, same issue exists:

Chrome (Mac) Version 47.0.2526.111 (64-bit)
Safari (Mac) Version 9.0.3 (10601.4.4)

See screenshot of console in Chrome which does indicate an error:

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

There was a recent bug that may have caused this issue. Running a snapshot of the master branch first, for example, might cause this.

Can you try exporting your saved objects, deleting the .kibana index from elasticsearch, and reimporting?

Looks like you nailed it :slight_smile:

I had no objects to export so just did a
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/.kibana
and then rebuilt the index and now the dashboard tab has become responsive!

Thanks for the help, i will create a few objects and see how things go :slight_smile: