Kibana/Elastic not replacing type.keyword in the dashboard

Hi All,
I need some help with my Kibana dashboard. I was using v7.4 of ELK and now had to upgrade to v8.13. One of the problems I'm facing is with my Dashboards in Kibana. Using a custom .config file in logstash, i'm sending data across to elastic, however the type.keyword is not being replaced as i expect.

Here is an extract of my .conf file.

input {
 file {
   path => ["/shared/rxcmon/nbmuser1/logStatsAccess/*_Access.log"]
#   start_position => "beginning"
   type => "AccessLogs"

filter {
if [path] =~ "MS7" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS7" } }
if [path] =~ "MS10" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS10" } }
if [path] =~ "MS11" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS11" } }
if [path] =~ "MS12" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS12" } }

The Dashboard below should be replacing "AccessLogs" with the other names except its not.

Please let me know what I'm missing here. TIA.

What should be the path value in the filter, /shared/rxcmon/nbmuser1/logStatsAccess/*_Access.log?
From .conf could say neither of cases can be true, so your type is AccessLogs

If you need the path string, it will be in the [log][file][path] field.

Thank you for the help. I replaced the [path] with [log][file][path] field (as below ) and it works as expected now.

input {
 file {
   path => ["/shared/rxcmon/nbmuser1/logStatsAccess/*_Access.log"]
#   start_position => "beginning"
   type => "AccessLogs"

filter {
if [log][file][path] =~ "MS7" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS7" } }
if [log][file][path] =~ "MS10" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS10" } }
if [log][file][path] =~ "MS11" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS11" } }
if [log][file][path] =~ "MS12" {
mutate { replace => { type => "MS12" } }
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