I am currently using the stack ELK for monitoring.
Here is my hardware specs :
Two machine : 30GB and 8CPU (15 GB JVM Heap).
Two small machine for logstash and kibana.
We are doing about 5MB to 500MB per index, 25 million documents.
4 shard per index, replication 1.
_cat/nodes :
heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name
67 7 0.18 d m elasticsearch-1
5 19 0.02 - - logstash
70 7 0.65 d * elasticsearch-2
6 51 0.00 - - kibana
Currently kibana use about 6 seconds for display the data.
We use elasticsearch 1.7.2 and kibana 4.1.2.
I don't understand what is my bottleneck and I would greatly appreciate any help.