Kibana - Upgrade Assistant

Hi, I'm currently running an unsupported ES server version 5.6.16. I've recently upgraded it from 2 to 5 and I'm looking to upgrade it further. From 2 to 5 I used a migration plugin which isn't available in 5 so I'm looking to use the upgrade assistant. Unfortunately in 5 it doesn't come with X-pack installed by default.

My question is, does x-pack need to be installed to access the upgrade assistant? I'm having issues with getting x-pack working as it doesn't install a license and locks me out of Kibana while if I remove x-pack I can access Kibana but have hardly any features. I'm only presuming x-pack does this for me so would appreciate confirmation before I try any further.

The Upgrade Assistant UI appears to only be available with X-Pack in the 5.x releases.

Do you have any more information (errors, logs) that might explain X-Pack can not be installed on your cluster?

Thanks for the response, to be honest I just wanted to know if it was needed and that I was going down the right track. I've completely removed Kibana and all the changes I made to start from scratch tomorrow. My nodes are in a cluster and I was missing the TLS settings so that could possibly be it.

The issue I was having is it said there was no license information available and it wouldn't let me login and when I tried to curl the license information from the cluster there were no settings under x-pack or licenses. I also couldn't find the license file associated with installed x-pack but i've read online that this only happen from version 6 and later because x-pack wasn't free by default at this point, is that correct? If so I might need to start a trial version I'm assuming?

Hi Ben,

Yes, as I recall the X-Pack licensing changed in 6.3. So for 5.6, I think you should try starting a trial license. If, for some reason, you cannot start a trial license, you can register for a free Basic license.

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