Kibana VIP

My Elasticsearch is sending data to two distinct Kibana instances, and it works with two different URLs.

Now, I want to use a VIP (Virtual IP) for these two Kibana instances.

Do I need to modify my kibana.yml configuration or add something?

Thank you


It is a little confusing what you mean, Elasticsearch does not send data to Kibana, Kibana is a client to Elasticsearch, so Kibana will connect to Elasticsearch to be able to query and show data.

You have 2 Kibana instances connected to the same Elasticsearch node in the same cluster? Is that right?

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Sorry @leandrojmp for the confusion,
yes, I have 2 Kibana instances connected to the same Elasticsearch node in the same cluster, and i want to use a VIP (Virtual IP) for these two Kibana instances.

This needs to be done outside Kibana, you need to configure your VIP or a load balancer in front of it using any tool you want.

But for this to work some kibana settings needs to be the same, check this documentation explaining what you need to do.

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I found these parameters in the doc :

Should i put them in my two kibana config files without any value, or should each one be followed by it's value ?

Thank you @leandrojmp

No, you should configure those settings to have the same value in all your Kibana instances if you are setting one of them to have any value.