License in a cluster

Hello I have a cluster with 5 nodes, one of them (master) is installed on-premises and I have 4 nodes connected to it if I put a license on elasticsearch which is installed on-premises will this license be passed to the other nodes?

Hi @Joel_Goncalves

It is unclear what you are asking.

In short, all licensed nodes, master, data, machine learning, CCR nodes all count towards license. Ingest only or coordinator only do not count towards licensing.

If you apply a license to a node or use the API or use Kibana, that license is applied to all license nodes in the cluster.

The license count is equal to the sum of all the licenseable nodes.

I do not understand your distinction of on-prem for the master.

Also, if you want to use CCR, both clusters need to be at the same license level.

I want to know if I apply a license on my node if this license will be applied on the entire cluster.

So, if I have 5 nodes I will have to pay 5 licenses is that it?

Stephen already answered this:

Stephen also answered this:

I would add that licensing costs and constraints is something you need to discuss sales. It is not something generally covered here in this forum.

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Agree with everyone who's answered this, but seems like maybe there is some confusion over the words used. Perhaps an example will help. This is just my experience and encourage like mentioned above to contact sales for the latest official information. Having said all that:

Let's say I have a nice little cluster with 3 master nodes, and 7 data nodes and I want the enterprise tier of the software. I would then buy a 10 node enterprise license from elastic and apply it to my cluster. I'd get 1 license file that allows 10 nodes. I don't get 10 unique 1 node licenses if that is what @Joel_Goncalves is trying to ask. Does that help clear things up?


Yes thank you

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