Logstash 2.3 with Elasticsearch 5.0

Can we use Logstash 2.3 with Elasticsearch 5.0?

Compatibility matrix says : It's not supported.

If not what can be the breaking changes to take note of?

""" Matrix """
Supported Logstash Versions
Logstash Version Elasticsearch Version Compatibility
2.3.x 1.0.0 - 2.4.x

It might be a matter of the default index template not being compatible. I highly doubt that ES 5.0's bulk indexing API doesn't work with Logstash 2.3.

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So far for me ,

I have tested out LS 2.3 with ES 5.0, I have not seen anything break. Where exactly should I check for setup potentially breaking?

The bundled template in 2.3 is not ideal for use with 5.0. Otherwise it should work.

Ok so how do I import older 'dashboards (searches, visualizations, dashboards) + logstash indices' to ELK 5.0?

That's a different thing entirely. That question belongs in the Kibana section.

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