Can I just upgrade logstash?

Currently I am running logstash 1.5 with kibana 1.7 and Elasticsearch 2.3.

If i were to upgrade logstash to 2.3, would I need to upgrade kibana and elasticsearch?

Or does it only possibly affect some of the plugins being used?

This contains all you need to know to upgrade from the version you are on to the latest at the time of writing, including the correct ordering of such.

These are mostly for later versions than the one I'm running.

I'm mainly concerned with upgrading from logstash 1.5 to 2.3 not to latest version of logstash.

LS 2.3.x is compatible with ES 1.0.0 - 2.4.x. Kibana 4.5.x is compatible with ES 2.3.x

Please note the Elasticsearch output plugin configuration changes that came with Logstash 2.2+

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