Marvel has data but shows 0

I've installed marvel and it can connect to nodes and gather a summary for the whole cluster. So I can see the total shards or documents in the cluster.

But when I click on to "Indices" or "Nodes" tab, they all shows 0.00

Here's a screen shot:
Nodes Tab

Indices Tab

Did I miss any configuration? I just followed to install it

Thank you very much!

I'm sure there's indexing and querying happening on the cluster.
I'm using a trail license (I think for trail license I should be able to have full access to all features)

My apologize. I just realize the time range is for the past several years. That makes sense cause I just installed it today!

This makes sense now, since marvel is part of kibana dash board so the time picker is in effect for the marvel dashboard too.

Hope this helps anyone experiencing similar problem.