No data on kibana

Hi , i am seeing data coming to ES but i dont see any data or newly created index in kibana . Below is my kibana.yml

    server.port: 5601 ""
    elasticsearch.url: ""
    elasticsearch.username: "UN"
    elasticsearch.password: "PW"

I am able to login on kibana . I have x pack installed on server .
And my ES config

# ======================== Elasticsearch Configuration =========================
# NOTE: Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings.
#       Before you set out to tweak and tune the configuration, make sure you
#       understand what are you trying to accomplish and the consequences.
# The primary way of configuring a node is via this file. This template lists
# the most important settings you may want to configure for a production cluster.
# Please consult the documentation for further information on configuration options
# ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for your cluster:
# my-application
# ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
# Use a descriptive name for the node:
# node-1
# Add custom attributes to the node:
#node.attr.rack: r1
# ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------
# Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):
# /path/to/data
# Path to log files:
#path.logs: /path/to/logs
# ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
# ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
# Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):
# Set a custom port for HTTP:
http.port: 9200
# For more information, consult the network module documentation.
# --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
# Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when new node is started:
# The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
# ["host1", "host2"]
# Prevent the "split brain" by configuring the majority of nodes (total number of m
aster-eligible nodes / 2 + 1):
#discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 3
# For more information, consult the zen discovery module documentation.
# ---------------------------------- Gateway -----------------------------------
# Block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes are started:
#gateway.recover_after_nodes: 3
# For more information, consult the gateway module documentation.
# ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
# Require explicit names when deleting indices:

can someone help

Hi Nikhil,

There are two steps to figuring out whats happening here:

Have you created your index pattern in Kibana for your data?

Also can you check if you ingested data into elasticsearch?
http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v in the browser should show you the data in ES. This documentation should help.


Thanks . I am seeing my indexes on ES

root@dfdevelasticp1:/etc/elasticsearch# curl -s -XGET -u UN:PW 'dfdevelasticp1:9200/_cat/indices?v&pretty'  | grep -i application
green  open   applications                    tt3GwRhJSJ2pjFgaQg-4tg   3   0          0            0       573b           573b
yellow open   applications-2017.08.04         kDnJqpuKR4CqMzQqEDbeag   5   1      78303            0     68.4mb         68.4mb
root@dfdevelasticp1:/etc/elasticsearch# curl -s -XGET -u UN:PW 'dfdevelasticp1:9200/applications-2017.08.04/_count?pretty'
  "count" : 78303,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "failed" : 0

root@dfdevelasticp1:/etc/elasticsearch# curl -s -XGET -u UN:PW 'dfdevelasticp1:9200/_cat/indices?v&'
health status index                           uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.07.31     9Vr4iGmKQiyyoAT2MTfdSA   1   1     346036         1905    260.1mb        260.1mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.08.04 yOsmHj5YTvqb8MXM_hTHtg   1   1       5893            0      4.6mb          4.6mb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.07.29     ovE2v6w5Sv6CaKzwJpHXTA   1   1     276784         1615    207.6mb        207.6mb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.08.01     y0dFMlwgTEK14BKzFA02yQ   1   1     353528         2160    263.5mb        263.5mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.08.03 yJ-154EzSE28rsT5Q6TRJQ   1   1       8639            0      3.3mb          3.3mb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.07.30     _r19OKdKQtuE5qzbtihauw   1   1     311408         1554    229.9mb        229.9mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.30              vHFbjrNXQEKYz4nnKHIWGg   5   1        354            0    373.2kb        373.2kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.08.04   W1ZqE73WQdGJMyoDnKWacA   1   1       4910            0      7.3mb          7.3mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.24              g-nnEU76QnqoWoxc1WgP0g   5   1      74674            0     49.3mb         49.3mb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.27   a0XkpQiZRDKHN2qbeppCag   1   1       7200            0      5.5mb          5.5mb
green  open   .security                       XaLk4XyaQpKb7Y9ffLJKAw   1   0          2            0      5.5kb          5.5kb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.31              6YjdVabeQCyBrUJiJxDV0w   5   1        355            0    467.7kb        467.7kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.30   juIm8BWzRTCZF_6q-t4vqg   1   1       7200            0      5.3mb          5.3mb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.26   f7JNgOXcS1qgkdvcuKlY4g   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.27              YwDGNKe_RnmKuVPqAvxQmw   5   1         75            0    343.8kb        343.8kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.08.03   z0hHp2IlRKqkmCPVrkrGmg   1   1       7200            0      5.3mb          5.3mb
green  open   applications                    tt3GwRhJSJ2pjFgaQg-4tg   3   0          0            0       573b           573b
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.31   zZZXLHklRAWz-grVLxH_MQ   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.07.30 KtxpFYIqSsCdGdIYZ6MhiA   1   1       8638            0      3.2mb          3.2mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.08.01              OUfh55rNRJeFs-nEBTqnwg   5   1        300            0    447.1kb        447.1kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.24   LmeM3zWkTmebCk_l-FNJuA   1   1       1570            0      1.3mb          1.3mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.08.04              0vNh-b3xRaCiE_NXJlx5qQ   5   1     153799            0    166.6mb        166.6mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.29              UHzzHGU8Ql-I9Ihwj_s6mg   5   1        354            0    476.8kb        476.8kb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.08.03     SOpQWuf_STWj-SFeNGcD6A   1   1     368999         2011      269mb          269mb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.25   3-rcQ9C-TNaU98_s93CQuA   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.08.01 -L7AsCyQRk2jWAkALHIxmQ   1   1       8638            0      3.2mb          3.2mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.28              8rEcX7k2TgO55GZeYgAGKg   5   1        366            0    418.4kb        418.4kb
yellow open   .monitoring-alerts-6            U2J2EIe2RM-qFosgix5jsA   1   1          1            0     12.5kb         12.5kb
yellow open   .kibana                         79kvsJAIQBa98YIDxeQ91Q   1   1          2            0     11.7kb         11.7kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.08.01   qJuHWj_ySBu4Nlp_dxW7ZQ   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   .triggered_watches              w1v9Lia1Q-mlNtwrpaHq2A   1   1          0            0       162b           162b
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.29   BhuFPjOGQN6qYWT_f7jnHQ   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.07.31 DmmIsYn2ShakUCkyIil6DA   1   1       8639            0      3.2mb          3.2mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.07.29 -LU5lRKHRp-30wHkV6GvDg   1   1       8639            0      3.2mb          3.2mb
yellow open   download-2017.08.03             f_vOTo5ZQauSp98GOA7Exw   5   1       4694            0      4.5mb          4.5mb
yellow open   .watches                        VM0bC6phSbyLCP-Djstm4A   1   1          4            0     47.6kb         47.6kb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.07.28   P8VFOojXQ4WjlCyo0XIjRw   1   1       7200            0      5.4mb          5.4mb
yellow open   syslog-2017.08.03               tB0HZPoCTGui6Cd9rgzwnA   5   1       2300            0      1.6mb          1.6mb
yellow open   .watcher-history-3-2017.08.02   iIZF-blJSKK5ujntVYUK5Q   1   1       7200            0      5.3mb          5.3mb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.08.02     7AUtNTG5SPKQgKROU8QzBg   1   1     358385         2329    261.8mb        261.8mb
yellow open   vicinio-2017.07.18              NnCTAWU6Q7CVwuDlnQqtiw   5   1      74682            0     49.6mb         49.6mb
yellow open   applications-2017.08.04         kDnJqpuKR4CqMzQqEDbeag   5   1      78303            0     68.4mb         68.4mb
yellow open   .monitoring-es-6-2017.08.04     ZeNmkxQvTKyX_oNRYeeYHg   1   1     278832         2502    214.6mb        214.6mb
yellow open   .monitoring-kibana-6-2017.08.02 SQ2QbA1eSP64zRncbjy0-w   1   1       8638            0      3.3mb          3.3mb

But i am not able to see anything (not loading ) in browser
It gives me error on kibana

Does using this: "applications-2017.08.04" in index pattern work?


No , I am not able to discover anything in kibana.
I was bale to discover it before i installed x pack ..i am wondering if something i need to set .

I see sent record coming to the index with timestamp but not on kibana

What user did you log in to Kibana with, and what roles does that user have?

Can you try logging in to Kibana as a superuser to see if that's the issue? If it is, we can help you get that straightened out.


When i installed X-pack ...there were steps to reset default password for kibana and superuser "elastic" , so i did .

I am logging in with kibana user . I think its a superuser .


No, the Kibana user only has the kibana_system role and is the user you put in your kibana.yml file so that Kibana can create the .kibana index and do some other administrative tasks (wow, that's a lot of Kibana's).

But that user doesn't have the read privilege on your applications-* indices.

The elastic user has the superuser role. You can log into Kibana with this user as an initial test.

But the recommended practice would be to create a new role (I would call it something like applications_reader). You can use curl or the Kibana security UI. You only need to provide a name, the index pattern, and the privileges of read and view_index_metadata as shown below;

And then create a new user with that role, plus kibana_user role. This new user would be able to create the applications-* index pattern and read data.

Then you might also want to give that user monitoring_user and reporting_user roles.


Thanks a lot lee .. It worked . :+1: :grinning:

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