I recently had to rebuild my index from scratch and import all dashboards/visualizations; now I have an issue creating a new visualization and/or using an existing imported visualization; I see no buckets returned, even a simple count in a visualization returns 0 docs; however a query using dev tools returns the values I expect to see.
If I run 'GET _cat/indices/mm2_stats*?v&s=index' in dev tools the following is returned:
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.08 EZvm9rPkQLKCBl1eKnD6SA 5 1 1121113 0 652.6mb 652.6mb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.09 Q54Eq0dKTjOmnFyAkFr7Mw 5 1 336 0 1.7mb 1.7mb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.10 I4g_C8GlTIiTu3mcm-VDSg 5 1 336 0 2mb 2mb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.11 jY88KwuJTii_E0gUP-HWwA 5 1 336 0 1.6mb 1.6mb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.12 FHW0HcndQ32Kfh3vTwVrqQ 5 1 316 0 845.3kb 845.3kb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.13 PkWpaXGzQbuj2WaL5y1ujg 5 1 356 0 2.1mb 2.1mb
yellow open mm2_stats-2019.05.14 1kXMRPZ9RaidxxCMTEH19A 5 1 196 0 1.4mb 1.4mb
But if I create a new gauge visualization using the mm2_stats-* index I see a document count of 0.
Has anyone had this issue before?