No kibana-oss image available for 6.6.1 version

Currently on production we are running kibana-oss:6.2.2 when we run the security scan we found some vulnerabilities related to cross-site-scripting,timelion visualizer,security audit logger and such issues are mentioned on Elastic security
Elastic security recommends to upgrade the Kibana version to 6.6.1
But when I checked on this following link no Kibana-oss:6.6.1 is available
I can see next available oss image is kibana-oss:6.8.5. Will kibana-oss-6.8.5 address the security issues which are mentioned above or do I need specific version.

Correct, there is no docker images prefixed oss from 6.3.0, you must use the image mentioned in 6.6 doc, more background information on the change on our opening x-pack page

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