OOTB Use of Visualizations


I was looking at Users Experience in Elastic APM.
I noticed the visualizations can sometimes be better than Lens or any visualizations used in custom dashboards.

For example this particular line chart:

It allows you the ability to do a breakdown of different options, why can't we get this in Lens?
I tend to see similar pattern with other OOTB solutions.

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Hi @erikg

some solutions within Kibana, like API or even the Discover chart panel, are using a customized version of either Lens or even plain Elastic Charts.

We're aware of this feature gap, so in recent version of the stack (8.14) we've introduced the ability to edit inline within a dashboard a chart, which makes the editing experience more streamlined for quick break down switch as in your example.

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@Marco_Liberati will the 'inline editing' be available to possibly use for custom dashboards and in Lens?

Inline editing is allowed on any dashboard for any Lens panel.

Hey @Marco_Liberati,
I must have confused myself with the term 'inline editing'.
Are you referring to this, when you say inline editing:


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will the feature where you are able to break down by field on the actual visualization, like the original picture, be available for GA to leverage?

I think I may have not explained it correctly.
Discover or other solutions that integrated a Lens chart added that custom dropdown on their own. That is not a Lens feature.

I've created a feature request here: [Lens] Expose a "breakdown by" editable control within the embeddable · Issue #187728 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

Before going forward to that, what's the issue with creating multiple charts in a dashboard to inspect all the possible breakdowns? Also, would it be useful to compare side by side?

Hey @Marco_Liberati
I think the biggest issue is just dashboard real estate. If I can provide one line chart vs 4 line charts, that would be better. Especially if its the same metric being used.

Like the original example, it helps show the page load distribution per browser, device, etc.