Power BI + Elastic


I was wondering since there is a way to visualize data from Elastic into Power BI. How beneficial can it be for visualization ?

I tend to find Elastic's reporting to very limited and wanted to know if pursuing Power BI as a connector can provide more benefit vs using something like canvas? Is Canvas being deprecated in the future?

Hi Erikg,

  1. It is possible to visualize data from Elastic to Power BI using ODBC driver.

  2. Also If you can tell me what exact data visualization you're looking for? I think there should be a wat in Kibana to visualize the same.

Hello @ashishtiwari1993 ,

The biggest concern with Kibana, is that the dashboards don't fit onto one screen and require scrolling. You can export a pdf of the dashboard and it will come out into one page but our stakeholders want a dashboard that fits onto the screen.


It seems like Canvas would be the answer to this but from what I read Elastic is planning to get rid of it

Dashboard got all the capability what canvas having. Also fitting multiple component in one dashboard is purely depend on case to case. You need to prioritize which component you want to put in dashboard.

The readymade dashboards are comes with fixed component which works in most of the cases. But you can anytime create custom dashboard and fit all visualizations which you need (by resizing them).

Hey @ashishtiwari1993,
I am aware of creating custom dashboards, we have around 400+ custom dashboards and from my experience - not everything you want fits into one screen due to the design layout, inability to size visualizations very small, and the size of your monitor (we literally don't have a consistent look of a dashboard across different windows monitors). A BI dashboard will always fit the screen, and effectively communicate to business stakeholders.

Also Canvas/BI tools offer way more customization than Dashboards.
Can you do this same report in Dashboards?

I am not saying we need Canvas but Dashboards need far more improvements in general.