Rally logs shows max_connections=1, but the doc said at least 256? And what does max_connections really do? it seems es client didn't support this param

as the title said, I'm confused what does max_connections really do? it seems es client didn't support this param.
the rally command:
esrally race --pipeline=benchmark-only --track=test --target-hosts=$target_hosts --challenge=append-no-conflicts --track-params="bulk_size:10000,bulk_indexing_clients:32,number_of_replicas:1,number_of_shards:1" --client-options="timeout:180"

the rally log:

the doc said:

es didn't exposed this parameter to the user

so what does the rally with this param do?

Hi @GITnewfish !

as the title said, I'm confused what does max_connections really do? it seems es client didn't support this param.
so what does the rally with this param do?

This particular setting (max_connections) is in reference to the maximum number of connections that can be left open per client. This is done for performance reasons e.g. reuse of existing connections, and to preventing client side bottlenecks.

es didn't exposed this parameter to the user

max_connections is a Rally specific setting, though it's equivalent Elasticsearch Python client configuration setting (maxsize) can be found here: Using Asyncio with Elasticsearch — Python Elasticsearch client 8.11.0 documentation.

Keep in mind that this setting is at the client side, Elasticsearch nodes themselves (server side) do not have a setting available to limit client connections besides the usual Operating System level configurations.

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