I am new to Elastic and Kibana. Using Version 6.2.4.
I have installed the ELK stack with the X-pack enabled on it.
Now I have Kibana working on port 5601 with authentication and elastic working on 9200 with authentication.
Here is what I want to achieve by Kibana:
- Get visualisations for the data
- Give different roles to different users
- Based on role, restrict the user access for data
- Example users will be Admin, user and anonymous user
Can this be done using Kibana? If No, what wrong I am expecting?
If yes, then I am facing a issue I have stated below:
I know how to create the users. Curl call below create
curl -XPOST -u elastic 'localhost:9200/_xpack/security/user/ingestadmin' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"password" : "tudip123",
"full_name" : "Ingest Admin",
"email" : "ingest.admin@xyz.com",
"roles" : [ "ingest_admin" ]