Running Kibana on Windows

When i run kibana.bat on Windows environment, the terminal exits and when i go to http://localhost:5601/ , i got ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Hello again,

Do you get something like this output, if you open command prompt and run the batch file?

n\"","error":"Request error, retrying -- connect ECONNREFUSED"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-08-05T11:52:04.957Z","level":"warn","message":"Unable to rev
ive connection: http://localhost:9200/","node_env":"\"production\""}
{"@timestamp":"2015-08-05T11:52:04.957Z","level":"warn","message":"No living con
{"@timestamp":"2015-08-05T11:52:04.957Z","level":"fatal","message":"No Living co
nnections","node_env":"\"production\"","error":{"message":"No Living connections
","name":"Error","stack":"Error: No Living connections\n  at sendReqWithConnecti
on (C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\kibana-4.0.0-windows\\src\\node_modules\\
elasticsearch\\src\\lib\\transport.js:174:15)\n  at next (C:\\Users\\Administrat
onnection_pool.js:213:7)\n  at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)\n"}}

If so do you have an instance of Elasticsearch running? If not, that's likely the problem.

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i got this

i have elastic search running because i got this on my browser

but i have this with Kibana:

What version do you have of Kibana?

i have Kibana-4.1.1

Does this exist?


Sounds like it can't find it.

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