Search Connector for AI Assistant Knowledge Base

Hi Elastic,

I want to integrate my Search Connector specifically Confluence Connector with my AI Assistant that we configure in Observability.

I saw that we could input the knowledge base from the Search Connector.

However, how do I integrate this? I couldn't find any documentation on how to connect my Search Connector to the AI Assistant knowledge base.

I try to look into the Pipelines and any Configuration in Search Connectors but I don't find any.

Need help thanks.

Hey @aisyaharifin. You are right, it seems that we are missing documentation around the integration with search connectors for AI assistant. I will raise this with the team.

It seems that it's possible to reference search connector index for your AI assistant in AI Assistant -> Settings -> Search connector index pattern, see screenshot attached below:

Let me know if it helps

Hi @Jedr_Blaszyk ,

Thank you for your reply.

However, I couldn't find any. My AI Assistant Settings as below :

I'm currently in version 8.13.4. Need further guideline on this, thanks!

From Elastic Search to Elastic Observability

Added elastic-ai-assistant

For versions <8.14 the search connector should work out of the box with AI assistant as long as the connector index matches search-* prefix. Can you try with that setup?

In the meantime, we will work on improving the documentation for that.

Hello @Jedr_Blaszyk ,

Thank you for your response, but I don't understand actually what do you mean by out of the box?

I couldn't figure out how the connector index matches with the AI Assistant.

Btw I'm on Elastic self-hosted not cloud, could there be any difference setup?

Thank you again for your guidance, appreciate it.

Hey @aisyaharifin

I think that every search-* prefixed index will be queried by the AI assistant when looking for an answer.

Can you try ingest confluence data into search- prefixed index and see if you AI assistant picks it up?

Btw I'm on Elastic self-hosted not cloud, could there be any difference setup?

There should be no difference.

And just to clarify: You ingest Confluence data with search connector and not Workplace search connector, right?

Hello @Jedr_Blaszyk ,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in order for the AI assistant to query the search index, we need to integrate the search connector with AI assistant first right?

But the thing is I couldn't find way on attach the search connector to AI assistant.

Yeap I already ingest the confluence data into search-prefixed index, but I think AI assistant did not pick it up.

Yeap I ingest it through Search Connectors not Workplace Search.


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