Slack notifications timing out


We are trying to enable the posibility to send slack messages when a condition is met, by using "Alerts and Actions".

We configured the keystore with slack accounts but when testing the slack connector it fails and in kibana logs we see this error:

[pod/cluster-logging-kibana-8459d45899-rcs7g/kibana] {"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-07-22T09:51:40Z","tags":["warning","plugins","actions","actions"],"pid":6,"message":"action execution failure: .slack:e4262de2-831c-4764-94e0-c49ba41b06e3: test: error posting slack message: A request error occurred: connect ETIMEDOUT"}

We suspect that this is due to a proxy configuration but it keeps failing even after adding this env to kibana and restarting the process:

            - name: JAVA_OPTS
              value: >-

Any idea what could be missing?

Thank you,

If you are using the xpack.actions.whitelistedHosts setting, make sure the hostname is whitelisted.

Also please check if the proxy configurations are configured as described in Alerting and action settings in Kibana | Kibana Guide [7.13] | Elastic

I think you are on point with the xpack configurations shown for Kibana 7.13. As I'm using 7.10.1, I was reading that documentation also assuming that the feature was already there since this fix.

We will try those parameters with our Kibana version and see if that works. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thank you!!!

Yep, looks like the xpack.actions.proxyUrl was added by that fix

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Works :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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