Stylizing TSVB or Lens in Canvas

Running into a few challenges as I attempt to tackle this problem in myriad ways.

First, my desired outcome is a (1) stylized horizontal bar chart using percentage (2) as the value for each aggregated row while including an 'Other' (3) category:

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 9.58.22 AM

I've tried to solve this using Lens, Canvas Chart Elements, and TSVB. Each with it's own limitation.

(1) Can't fully stylize and won't show values in bars
(2) Can create percentages
(3) Can include an other category

(1) Can fully stylize
(2) Can't calculate percentages
(3) Can't include an other category

I've also attempted to upload documents to drive the outcome I'm after. The document included the data point label (including an 'other' label), the percentage as a value, and an order_by_num value. Unfortunately I found that TSVB will not actually sort by the selected "Order by" value.

Canvas Horizontal Chart
(1) Can't fully stylize
(2) Can calculate percentages
(3) Can include an other category

Appreciate any help anyone can provide!

Lens allows values to be shown in the bars.

If you haven't, you may also want to take a look to the other settings for the axis that allow configuring grid lines, text alignment, and so on.

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