So I made an integration package using elastic-package. When I try to push the zip file to elastic using my credentials, which have superuser role access, I get the following error:
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"runtime_exception\n\tCaused by:\n\t\tsecurity_exception: action [indices:admin/create] is unauthorized for user [kibana_system] with effective roles [kibana_system] on indices [ti_sms4a_latest.destination_new], this action is granted by the index privileges [create_index,manage,all]\n\tRoot causes:\n\t\tsecurity_exception: action [indices:admin/create] is unauthorized for user [kibana_system] with effective roles [kibana_system] on indices [ti_test_latest.destination_new], this action is granted by the index privileges [create_index,manage,all]"}
Moreover, the index name is wrong in this error. The index that it is trying to write to is logs-ti_test_latest.destination_new