How can I edit the item URL to redirect onclick URL to the correct dashboard?
Currently, it is redirecting back to the default summary page of the host but I have a new dashboard for each host.
I would like to redirect to my configured dashboard after clicking the metric.
Hey @TsuWeiQuan,
If I understood correctly your request, you want to open a different dashboard on a different kibana host when clicking on each single the Top N bar.
If I'm correct you are currently looking for this:
If so you can specify the item URL as the following: http://{{key}}/app/kibana/dashboard/123
The key field is the field displayed on that visualization that correspond to your hosts.
The only drawback is that you can specify only one URL and one dashboard id for every kibana host.
I think you mis-understood my question. I would like to open a different dashboard on the same kibana host when clicking on each single hostname on the Top N Bar chart.
Unfortunately this is not possible right now.
The moustache templating system doesn't allows you to do any switch or if with a statement like if key == NUSSERVER than use this URL else render this other URL
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