Where can I find a complete Timelion function list?
Thank you
## Timelion function reference
This document is auto generated from the timelion code. Do not submit pulls against this document. You want to submit a pull against something in the `series_functions/` directory.
### Data sources
Data sources can start a chain, they don't need to be attached to anything, but they still need to start with a `.` (dot). Data retreived from a data source can be passed into the chainable functions in the next section.
#### .graphite()
Pull data from graphite. Configure your graphite server in timelion.json
Argument | Accepts | Description
--- | --- | ---
metric | *string* | Graphite metric to pull, eg _test-data.users.*.data
offset | *string* | Offset the series retrieval by a date expression. Eg -1M to make events from one month ago appear as if they are happening now
fit | *string* | Algorithm to use for fitting series to the target time span and interval. Available: average, carry, nearest, none, scale,
#### .quandl()
Pull data from quandl.com using the quandl code. Stick your free API key in timelion.json. API is rate limited without a key
Argument | Accepts | Description
--- | --- | ---
This file has been truncated. show original
but the most up2date docs are the type-ahead Timelion has when you write your expression.
Thank you. Since it is a 2016 document, is it still complete?
June 9, 2020, 2:11pm
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