Unable to create Kibana index

Hi ,
I have ELK stack installed and imported the indexes , all these indexes are visible in Kibana under Saved object however I am unable to create new index .
More details about ELK stack
Elastic search - 7.1.0
Kibana - 7.1.0
OS environment - Linux
Sharing the screenshot for the reference .

Hi @DG13 , that message is saying there is no data in elasticsearch, can you check your es instance?


Index is created in elastic search and could see under elastic search index management .

But when I click on Kibana index management I could see this screen whereas when we install the kibana screen displays the create the index which is not getting shown my case .

What could be the issue ?

Thanks ,


Can you send me a screenshot of the indices you are seeing on the index management page or can you do :/_cat/indices/twi*?v&s=index&pretty ?

Can you also check that the sample data set works?

Imported indexes from my other ELK environment works and I could see it in kibana .
Steps I followed to export and import indices :

  1. Export the saved_objects to downloaded the json file from my local env ( hosted on windows )

2 . Imported these indices in kibana and it worked .



I tried debugging and here is some of the findings -

  1. As you asked I tried adding the sample data to kibana index and I could see the index created at Kibana

GET /_cat/indices/sample?v&s=index

Output :
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open kibana_sample_data_flights FuV0cl1NRQ-McHTh1ocNgw 1 0 13059 0 6.4mb 6.4mb

  1. When I enable show system index I dont see system indices at Kibana :frowning:

However I could see the system indices at Elasticsearch

What could be the root cause ?
Is it due to configuration mismatch or something else ?
Appreciate if you could help me proceed in right direction .


Finally able to find the root cause of the issue , posting it for the benefit of others .
Nginx which was used for routing purpose caused the issues , once removed the Nginx configuration and used the ELK stack only , All worked fine :slight_smile:
Thanks @LizaD for your help !!

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