Upgrade elasticsearch , kibana - what should be flow and steps

Hi guys,

I am new to elastic search, can anyone plesae guide me and tel me what are the steps to upgrade from v 6.4.2 to the latest version and Kibana as well which is v 6.4.3....

A step by step or flow will actually help me to achieve my goal....

also we are using fluent-bit, so what should be I doing logically...

thanks in advance

Something like this? https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack/current/index.html

hi david,

thanks for it, hey one more thing to know,

if I upgrade elastic search, do I need to update kibana and fluentd as well...



kibana: yes
fluentd: i don't know


thanks for the reply, should I update Kibana first or elasticsearch.


hello sir ,

another question

  • I had a 3 node cluster ( 2 data and 1 master ), if I go with a roll back upgrade option, should I just target the first 2 data nodes ( one by one ) and then the master , dont know exactly which approach should be the right one .

thanks again for your help in advance .



The link I shared tells that.

Thé elasticsearch upgrade documentation does not tell anything about a typical order. Note that as soon you will shut down a master another will be elected anyway.

hi david ,

thanks for it, could not find exactly about the master and data nodes upgrade option in the doc, can you please point me in the right direction...thanks


How i can ssh into the nodes, as its SAAS service, i dont think i can ssh into the nodes.


Where is it hosted? Elastic Cloud?

@Christian_Dahlqvist..yes its in the the elastic cloud ( cloud.elastic.co).

@Christian_Dahlqvist.. i am trying to take snapshot backups but not sure.....how to achieve it... I was folloing this article but it seems has nothing to do with elastic in the cloud.... https://linuxaws.wordpress.com/2018/09/21/how-to-create-snapshots-of-elasticsearch-cluster-data-and-restore/

and https://qbox.io/blog/elasticsearch-data-snapshots-restore-tutorial...

would be great if you can guide me how to take snapshot backups... as in the document here https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.4/modules-snapshots.html
cant actually figure out.. where should i place my backup. for example if i want to backup in an azure storage, or locally on my system ho i may do it.... the documentaion doesnt help much....


If you are on Elastic Cloud upgrading is easy and you can do it through the UI. It will take snapshots for you, so most of the steps outlined in the posts you linked to you do not need to worry about. I would recommend upgrading to version 6.8, which is the latest 6.x release and should be backwards compatible with your current version.

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hi Christian,

thanks for your reply, so means when I click on the upgrade option to 6.8 thorugh the UI , it will open the upgrade assistant I suppose and from there will take the snapshot and backup, the verison is 6.4. and yes I will be moving to 6.8...

but I was reading about the rolling upgrades , I suppose that is not required in my scenario....just as knowledge if if I dont want to use the UI, can I still use the rolling upgrade option...


The service automatically does a rolling upgrade for you according to best practices, assuming you have more than one data node.

had 2 data nodes and 1 master node

Hi Christian,

thanks for your advise, the upgrade was smooth,

Can you please guide me how I can enable log rotation and work on it.



You can’t. As you are using a managed service you have no access to the shell and these kind of things are handled for you. Logs are made available through the management console on Elastic Cloud so I would recommend getting familiar with this.

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